In the first Reykjavik Marathon in 1984, 68 runners took part in the half marathon distance. Past few years the number of participants has been close to 3,000.
The half marathon is 21.1 km or 13.1 miles long and starts at the same time as the marathon. We do not recommend that inexperienced runners register for the event. Participants must be 15 years or older.
The run starts at the same place as other distances, on Sóleyjargata and ends on Lækjargata, in front of the school Menntaskólinn við Reykjavík. The course is as follows:
Sóleyjargata, Njarðargata, Sturlugata, Sæmundargata, Eggertsgata, Suðurgata, Lynghagi, Ægisíða, Nesvegur, Suðurströnd, Lindarbraut, Norðurströnd, Eiðsgrandi, Ánanaust, Fiskislóð, Hólmaslóð, Grandagarður, Mýrargata, Geirsgata, Kalkofnsvegur, Sæbraut to the east, Sægarðar, Sæbraut to the west, Kalkofnsvegur and Lækjargata. Click here to view the map. The course is measured by certified AIMS measurer.
The half marathon has a total of 5 drinking stations. The first two are for marathon, half marathon and 10 km runners, located at Eiðistorg and Eiðsgrandi. Next there are two stations on Sæbraut, the first near Harpa and the second at the turnaround point by Sundahöfn. The last station is at the finish line on Lækjargata
Everyone that is 15 years or older and has been training for this event may register and take part in the marathon. There is a time limit of 6 hours and 30 minutes. If participants have not crossed the finish line before that limit they will be disqualified and the finish area will be closed. Thate that are still on Sæbraut to the east will be asked to run on the walkway after about 3 hours from the start.
The entry fee includes a variety of services that ensure a unique experience for the runners. Here you can find more information about the services provided on race day for all distances